I see my vision through a kaleidoscope and acknowledge that it is a gift. A kaleidoscope celebrates a vast array of colors and forms inviting change through vulnerability. Aided by mirrors and patterns, my view offers limitless possibilities to create beauty and awe.
K is for Kindness. May all beings be filled with loving kindness.
A is for Acceptance of the world and of myself exactly as we are in this moment.
L is for Light and Love. I am here to radiate light and love.
E is for Energy. I am filled with energy, able to do whatever I choose.
I is for Individual. Honoring my own uniqueness allows me to compliment others, rather than blend in.
D is for Devotion. Prayer and meditation are my lifelines to Spirit and to healing.
O is for Observant, mindful seeing and serving.
S is for Soul, reminding me to nourish my own so I may effectively serve others.
C is for Courage, standing up for myself and taking action to make my dreams reality.
O is for Odyssey. I learn as I journey, unveiling the myth I thought was my life.
P is for Purpose. My purpose is to be grateful, loving and generous, inviting the divine spirit to guide my way.
E is for Eagle, who inspires me to fly.
NAMASTE ~ France Robinson
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